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Thank you, Robert. and i'm an equally deeply honnered to be introduced by you.
Thank you, Robert. and i'm an equally deeply honnered to be introduced by you.
And what you just said like: what can we do?
And what you just said like: what can we do?
In the response to do this propaganda machinery
In the response to do this propaganda machinery
which has been unleashed, and the which is
which has been unleashed, and the which is
by far the most impressive
by far the most impressive
propaganda machine the has ever been
propaganda machine the has ever been
unleashed in the history of mankind.
unleashed in the history of mankind.
Well, you know I've been talking so much about
Well, you know I've been talking so much about
the phenomenon of mass formation and totalitarianism
the phenomenon of mass formation and totalitarianism
throughout the last few years,
throughout the last few years,
focusing on a, on what happens in a population which falls prey to propaganda.
focusing on a, on what happens in a population which falls prey to propaganda.
And focusing on how we can understand how an entire
And focusing on how we can understand how an entire
population goes mad
population goes mad
and buys into the most absurd
and buys into the most absurd
beliefs you can imagine.
beliefs you can imagine.
And i'm focusing now
And i'm focusing now
much more, on the psychology of totalitarian leadership,
much more, on the psychology of totalitarian leadership,
and the psychology of propaganda itself.
and the psychology of propaganda itself.
What guys have do we have to do with
What guys have do we have to do with
and, in particular, what can we do? Because that's the most important thing, of course.
and, in particular, what can we do? Because that's the most important thing, of course.
What can we do in the end? i i do believe that
What can we do? I do believe that
the better you understand the nature of a propaganda, the more you see that
the better you understand the nature of a propaganda, the more you see that
counter propaganda is not an option.
counter propaganda is not an option.
If you
If you
use counter propaganda in response to propaganda. You're actually slowly
use counter propaganda in response to propaganda, you're actually slowly
going to the same level as the people you try to fight,
going to the same level as the people you try to fight,
because you also lose touch with sincerity. You also lose to lose touch
because you also lose touch with sincerity. You also lose to lose touch
with the ethical principles of humanity,
with the ethical principles of humanity,
and that's the big question you have to ask ourselves.
and that's the big question you have to ask ourselves.
And I was really touched by what Senator Johnson just said. It's, as far as i remember,
And I was really touched by what Senator Johnson just said. It's, as far as i remember,
is the first time that i hear someone say that freedom is important,
the first time that i hear someone say that freedom is important,
but that there is something that is even more important than freedom,
but that there is something that is even more important than freedom,
and that is truth.
and that is truth.
And i think that's really right. That's really right.
And i think that's really right. That's really right.
Because freedom... there is no absolute freedom for a human being.
Because freedom... there is no absolute freedom for a human being.
A human being can be free to a certain extent,
A human being can be free to a certain extent,
but it will always be subjected,
but it will always be subjected,
if it wants it or not
if it wants it or not
to the eternal ethical principles of humanity.
to the eternal ethical principles of humanity.
If we lose touch with that, freedom is worth nothing.
If we lose touch with that, freedom is worth nothing.
and these ethical principles, these principles of humanity,
These ethical principles, these principles of humanity,
we can get in touch with them by speaking sincere, by speaking truthful
we can get in touch with them by speaking sincere, by speaking truthful
through truth speech,
through truth speech,
And that again i agree with Senator Johnson
And that again i agree with Senator Johnson
when he said that it is very hard to know for a human being
when he said that it is very hard to know for a human being
what truth is. What is truth actually?
what truth is. What is truth actually?
It's very hard to determine that. If we think we can possess the truth,
It's very hard to determine that. If we think we can possess the truth,
we lost it already.
we lost it already.
We can feed it for a moment. Feed it for a moment to resonate with it,
We can feel it for a moment. Feel it for a moment to resonate with it,
articulate, truthful words, but that's it. We can never possess it.
articulate, truthful words, but that's it. We can never possess it.
That's actually what i'm doing now. I'm focusing,
That's actually what i'm doing now. I'm focusing,
on the one hand, on propaganda
on the one hand, on propaganda
and, on the other hand...
and, on the other hand...
I try to understand as well as possible, psychologically speaking
I try to understand as well as possible, psychologically speaking
what the truth is. What is truth?
what the truth is. What is truth?
Is truth a kind of speech?
Is truth a kind of speech?
Is through a kind of words
Is through a kind of words
that refer in the correct way to facts?
that refer in the correct way to facts?
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
Even a joke can be truthful
Even a joke can be truthful
if it is articulated at the right moment
if it is articulated at the right moment
and the joke has no reference to facts.
and the joke has no reference to facts.
Truth speech... we can only define truth in reference
Truth speech... we can only define truth in reference
to something completely different than the fact.
to something completely different than the fact.
Through speech, is this kind of speech
Through speech, is this kind of speech
which penetrates through the veil of appearances, which
which penetrates through the veil of appearances, which
destroys lies, which destroys fake, which destroys the...
destroys lies, which destroys fake, which destroys the...
what they like to call the veil of appearances.
what they like to call the veil of appearances.
And we can do that at every moment
And we can do that at every moment
in our existence, every day, we have a chance to speak truthful and sincere
in our existence, every day, we have a chance to speak truthful and sincere
in so many occasions.
in so many occasions.
and every time we do so, even if it is
and every time we do so, even if it is
about a minor detail of life, every time we do so,
about a minor detail of life, every time we do so,
we establish
we establish
we go through the veil of appearances
we go through the veil of appearances
that isolates people from each other,
that isolates people from each other,
we go through the veil of our own ego
we go through the veil of our own ego
and we establish a resonating bond
and we establish a resonating bond
between the soul of two human beings.
between the soul of two human beings.
That's why truth speech
That's why truth speech
makes the soul of a human being emerge from behind his ego.
makes the soul of a human being emerge from behind his ego.
That's where we create a human bond
That's where we create a human bond
and that's where we create resilience to propaganda.
and that's where we create resilience to propaganda.
We can do so one hundred times a day, or at least ten times a day,
We can do so one hundred times a day, or at least ten times a day,
and every time we create a human bond, a human bond between two souls,
and every time we create a human bond, a human bond between two souls,
we make the bond between the soul of two human beings stronger,
we make the bond between the soul of two human beings stronger,
and that's the historical revolution we're witnessing now.
and that's the historical revolution we're witnessing now.
It's a historical revolution. The metaphysical revolution,
It's a historical revolution. The metaphysical revolution,
where a mass that is in the grip of propaganda,
where a mass that is in the grip of propaganda,
is slowly getting weaker than a group connected through sincere speech.
is slowly getting weaker than a group connected through sincere speech.
The more we realize that, the more we understand that we have to do our best
The more we realize that, the more we understand that we have to do our best
to learn the art of sincere speech, because i believe it's really an art.
to learn the art of sincere speech, because i believe it's really an art.
It's an art we can learn. In Belgium and Holland,
It's an art we can learn. In Belgium and Holland,
I give these workshops. About three hundred people followed them by now.
I give these workshops. About three hundred people followed them by now.
We practice for four days straight the art of truth speech.
We practice for four days straight the art of truth speech.
I encourage people to continue to practice it after it, because
I encourage people to continue to practice it after it, because
like every art, we have to practice it our entire lives.
like every art, we have to practice it our entire lives.
But the more we understand that, that's what will be decisive...
But the more we understand that, that's what will be decisive...
The oldest act of humanity, speaking in a sincere way, will be what ultimately
The oldest act of humanity, speaking in a sincere way, will be what ultimately
overcomes the most impressive propaganda machinery mankind has ever known.
overcomes the most impressive propaganda machinery mankind has ever known.
We will do it together and am happy to do it with you people.
We will do it together and am happy to do it with you people.

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