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== Invitation pour du soutien à collectivement faire de la place ==
== Inviting support for collectively clearing the space ==
RÉSUMÉ : '''Nous invitons au leadership et à l'auto-organisation, à faire son deuil, célébrer, se relier à sa propre responsabilité, à “faire de la place” pour permettre à quelque-chose de nouveau d'émerger'''
SUMMARY: '''We invite leadership and self-organizing, to mourn, celebrate, connect to self-responsibility, and “clear the space” to permit something new to emerge'''
Chers amis,
Dear friends,
Quand nous avons rejoint le conseil d'administration du CNV, il y a plus de deux ans, nous ressentions une souffrance dans le réseau, qui, si elle n'était pas universelle, était très rependue et souvent très profonde. We had a strong sense that there was a great deal of mourning that would need to be done before the NVC network could fully thrive in the way we were most wishing for. I (Bob) imagined that supporting a collective mourning and celebration process might be one of our first steps as a Board.
When we joined the CNVC Board, over two years ago, we had a sense of there being pain in the network that was, if not universal, widespread and often very deep. We had a strong sense that there was a great deal of mourning that would need to be done before the NVC network could fully thrive in the way we were most wishing for. I (Bob) imagined that supporting a collective mourning and celebration process might be one of our first steps as a Board.
Beaucoup, beaucoup de choses ont empêché que cela se produise. Et peut-être que ce n'était pas encore le moment. J'ai (Dom) soupçonné que ce serait plus réparateur de commencer un processus de deuil une fois qu'un changement substantiel serait en route. Une partie de la souffrance que nous percevons est liée au découragement chez beaucoup que le CNVC soit jamais capable de répondre efficacement et de manière satisfaisante à donner un retour au sujet des besoins et des attentes de la communauté. En l’absence de changement manifeste, il serait compréhensible que beaucoup ne voudraient pas s'en ouvrir quant à leur peine au sujet de la situation. Ce serait facile de choisir au lieu de cela de focaliser son énergie ailleurs.
Many, many things got in the way of that happening. And, perhaps the time was not yet ripe. I (Dom) suspected it would be most healing to begin a mourning process once substantial change was underway. Some of the pain that we perceive relates to a hopelessness in many about CNVC ever being able to respond effectively and satisfyingly to feedback about the collective needs and longings of the community. In the absence of demonstrated change, it would be understandable that many might not want to open themselves up to their pain about the situation. It would be easy to choose to instead focus energies elsewhere.
Maintenant, nous sommes à un nouveau moment. Pour certains, le processus que nous avons annoncé apporte un sentiment d'espoir, et peut-être de l'excitation. Pour d'autres, nous nous sommes "grillés" auparavant, les conditions ne sont pas encore réunies pour se sentir assuré de se relier à beaucoup d'espoir. Que vous ressentiez de l'espoir ou non, il nous semble que ce pourrait être le bon moment pour faire le deuil des besoins non satisfaits en relation avec le CNVC et son réseau. Bob l'a suggéré pendant ses téléconférences, et nous avons aussi reçu des courriels de nombreuses personnes suggérant cela indépendamment.
Now, we are at a new moment. For some, the process we have announced offers a sense of hope, and perhaps excitement. For others, who have "felt burned” in the past, the conditions may not yet be present for it to feel safe to connect to much hope. Whether or not you feel hope, it seems to us that this could be a good time to mourn any unmet needs in relation to CNVC and this network. Bob suggested this in his teleconferences, and we have also received email from a number of people who have suggested this independently.
Il nous tarde que ce processus que nous commençons ensemble ait lieu dans ce qu'on pourrait appeler un “espace émotionnel clair”, dans lequel nous regardons ce que nous voulons comme si c'était la première fois, avec un regard neuf, et des esprits et des cœurs ouverts. Nous pensons que cela soutiendrait la créativité, l'équilibre, et la perspicacité . Nous avons confiance en ce qui, nous l'imaginons, pourrait émerger de cet état d'esprit et de cœur.
We long for this process we are beginning together to occur in what one might call a “clear emotional space,” in which we can look at what we want as if for the first time, with fresh eyes, and open minds and hearts. We believe this would support creativity, balance, and insight. We trust what we imagine might emerge from this state of mind and heart.
Si les souffrances au sujet de ce qui s'est passé son fortement présentes en nous pendant que nous travaillons, je (Bob) suis inquiet que nous puissions “sur-corriger”, en allant à l'extrême opposé de quoi que ce soit d'extrême que nous imaginons en train d'être exprimé, conduisant à un besoin consécutif de “retour de balancier”. Et si nous sommes perdu dans la souffrance au sujet de comment sont les choses, ou crispé autour de notre lutte à défendre ce à quoi nous tenons au sujet de comment sont les choses, nous craignons que l'étendue de notre vision soit limitée. Il nous tarde que nous soyons tous capables de voir et d'agir sur les nombreuses merveilleuses possibilités qui pourraient émerger de notre rassemblement, de délicieuses opportunités pas encore imaginées de servir la vie.
If pain about what has been are strongly alive in us as we work, I (Bob) worry we might “over-correct”, going to the opposite extreme of whatever extreme we currently imagine being expressed, leading to a subsequent need to “pendulum back.” And if we are lost in pain about how things are, or contracted around our struggle to defend what we value about how things are, we worry that the scope of our vision will be limited. We long for us all to be able to see and act on the many wonderful possibilities that could emerge from our coming together, previously unimagined sweet opportunities to serve life.
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Avec cela à l'esprit, nous invitons ceux qui se sentent inspirés à le faire, à offrir un leadership dans le soutien à la communauté à “faire de la place” avant le lancement du processus Synanim (“Définition du cadre général”). Par cela, nous voulons dire soutenir les processus contribuant à de la liberté en partant des émotions et pensées qui peuvent rendre difficile d'aller de l'avant et de participer au processus en ayant pleinement accès à nos ressources internes.
With this in mind, we invite those inspired to do so to offer leadership in supporting the community in “clearing the space” prior in the launch of the Synanim (“Framing the Big Picture”) process. By this, we mean supporting processes that will contribute to freedom from the grip of emotions and thoughts that may make it difficult to move forward and participate in the process  with full access to our inner resources.
Les processus que nous trouvons soutenant pour “faire de la place” incluent :
Processes that we understand as supporting “clearing the space” include
* deuil, et célébration;  
* mourning, and celebration;
* auto-responsabilisation.
* self-responsibility.
Le deuil peut être réalisé au travers de cercles de peine, où notre peine peut être entendue et autorisée à compter.
Mourning might be done via grieving circles, where our pain can be witnessed and allowed to matter.
Prendre en compte sa part de responsabilité peut impliquer de nous poser des questions telles que, « Quel est mon rôle dans cela ? », « En quoi ais-je contribué à créer ou maintenir une situation que j'aimerais différente ? » ou « Y-a-t-il des manières dont j'ai renoncé à mon pouvoir ? » et plus tard, « Comment apparaitrais-je si j'étais en pleine capacité de mon pouvoir, reconnaissant l'interdépendance et servant ce qui a de la valeur pour moi ? » De telles questions peuvent être particulièrement aidantes dans des situations où nous nous racontons des histoires qui ditribue à nous même ou à d'autres des rôles de victimes, de méchant, ou de héros.
Addressing self-responsibility might involve asking ourselves questions such as, “What is my role in this?, “How have I contributed to creating or maintaining a situation I wish were different?” or “Are there ways that I have given away my power?and later, “How would I be showing up if I were fully in my power, recognizing interdependence and serving what I value?” Such questions can be particularly helpful in situations where we am telling ourselves stories that cast ourselves or others as victims, villains, or heroes.
Nous avons un objectif d'inclusion pour le processus « pour un nouvel avenir ». Nous aimerions que le processus « faire de la place »  soit inclusif en :
We have a goal of inclusiveness for the “New Future” process. We would like the “clearing the space” processes to be inclusive by:
* incluant non seulement des formateurs certifiés et des candidats à la certification, mais n'importe qui accorde de la valeur à la CNV et  souffre de ce qui s'est passé jusqu'à présent;  
* including not only certified trainers and certification candidates, but anyone who values NVC and carries pain about what has been;
* facilitant la participation, et en faisant des invitations, dans n'importe quelle langue avec laquelle les personnes se sentent à l'aise pour exprimer ce qui est dans leur cœur;  
* facilitating participation, and making invitations, in whatever language people are most comfortable in using to express what is in their hearts;
* offrant des évènements soit locaux, les personnes présentes en chair en et en os, soit des téléconférences à des moments qui puisse convenir à des personnes de n'importe où dans le monde.
* offering events that either local, in-person events, or are teleconference events at times suitable for people anywhere in the world.
Nous aimerions que cela se passe dans les prochaines 4 à 5 semaines.
We would like for this to happen within the next 4 or 5 weeks.
Nous adorerions que tout cela se passe et il est clair pour nous que nous n'avons pas la capacité d'organiser cela nous-même, étant donné les autres travaux qui ont besoin d'être fait pour implémenter les changement à venir du processus. Donc, l'invitation que nous vous transmettons est de prendre un leadership, et de vous auto-organiser.
We would love to have all this happen and we are clear we do not currently have the capacity to organize this ourselves, given other work that needs to be done to implement the upcoming change process. So, our invitation to you is to take leadership, and to self-organize.
Nous apprécions que Catherine Cadden, Gayano Shaw, et Jesse Wiens aient déjà répondu à une précédente invitation informelle et ont annoncé un cercle de désespoir sur la liste des formateurs. Et, nous avons l'espoir sera simplement le premier d'une large variété d'opportunités pour les personnes de participer à « faire de la place ».
We appreciate that Catherine Cadden, Gayano Shaw, and Jesse Wiens have already responded to an earlier informal invitation and have announced a despair circle on the trainers list. And, we are hoping this will be simply the first instance of a comprehensive variety of opportunities for people to participate in “clearing the space."
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Certains d'entre vous ne porte peut-être pas beaucoup de souffrance. Vous n'éprouvez peut-être pas le besoin d'un tel processus pour votre propre bien. Et, nous vous invitons à participer tout de même, avec l'intention d'être témoin et un soutien pour la guérison des autres, qui portent beaucoup de souffrance.
Some of you might not be carrying a lot of pain. You might not feel a need to have such a process for your own sake. And, we invite you to consider participating anyway, with an intention to bear witness and to supporting healing for others, who are carrying a load of pain.
Nous ne nous leurrons pas sur le fait que dans le mois qui arrive ou à peu près nous arriverons à guérir toute la souffrance accumulée. Cependant, nous espérons que nous pourrons au moins faire un pas qui pourrait être significatif pour ceux qui peuvent participer.
We don’t kid ourselves that what we do in the next month or so can heal all the pain that has built up. Yet, we hope that we could collectively a least take a step that could be significant to those who are able to participate.
Peut-être qu'il y a des proccessus complètement différent dont vous pensez qu'ils aideraient à « faire de la place ». Nous accueillerions tout type de processus au service de cet objectif.
Maybe there are some completely different types of processes that you think would support “clearing the space." We would welcome any types of processes that support this aim.
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'''Avez-vous envie de vous organiser et de faire équipe pour que cela se produise ?'''
'''Are you willing to self-organize and team up to make this happen?'''
Nous entendrions volontiers aussi ce qui vous vient à la lecture de tout cela.
We also welcome hearing what comes up for you as you read all this.
Avec espoir et gratitude,
With hope and gratitude,
'''Bob Wentworth & Dominic Barter'''
'''Bob Wentworth & Dominic Barter'''
Le 1er mai, 2014
''May 1, 2014''
[http://www.cnvc.org/future http://www.cnvc.org/future]
Source : http://www.cnvc.org/201405-clear-the-space-letter
Source : http://www.cnvc.org/201405-clear-the-space-letter

Revision as of 09:26, 17 May 2014

Other languages:
English • ‎français

Inviting support for collectively clearing the space

SUMMARY: We invite leadership and self-organizing, to mourn, celebrate, connect to self-responsibility, and “clear the space” to permit something new to emerge

Dear friends,

When we joined the CNVC Board, over two years ago, we had a sense of there being pain in the network that was, if not universal, widespread and often very deep. We had a strong sense that there was a great deal of mourning that would need to be done before the NVC network could fully thrive in the way we were most wishing for. I (Bob) imagined that supporting a collective mourning and celebration process might be one of our first steps as a Board.

Many, many things got in the way of that happening. And, perhaps the time was not yet ripe. I (Dom) suspected it would be most healing to begin a mourning process once substantial change was underway. Some of the pain that we perceive relates to a hopelessness in many about CNVC ever being able to respond effectively and satisfyingly to feedback about the collective needs and longings of the community. In the absence of demonstrated change, it would be understandable that many might not want to open themselves up to their pain about the situation. It would be easy to choose to instead focus energies elsewhere.

Now, we are at a new moment. For some, the process we have announced offers a sense of hope, and perhaps excitement. For others, who have "felt burned” in the past, the conditions may not yet be present for it to feel safe to connect to much hope. Whether or not you feel hope, it seems to us that this could be a good time to mourn any unmet needs in relation to CNVC and this network. Bob suggested this in his teleconferences, and we have also received email from a number of people who have suggested this independently.

We long for this process we are beginning together to occur in what one might call a “clear emotional space,” in which we can look at what we want as if for the first time, with fresh eyes, and open minds and hearts. We believe this would support creativity, balance, and insight. We trust what we imagine might emerge from this state of mind and heart.

If pain about what has been are strongly alive in us as we work, I (Bob) worry we might “over-correct”, going to the opposite extreme of whatever extreme we currently imagine being expressed, leading to a subsequent need to “pendulum back.” And if we are lost in pain about how things are, or contracted around our struggle to defend what we value about how things are, we worry that the scope of our vision will be limited. We long for us all to be able to see and act on the many wonderful possibilities that could emerge from our coming together, previously unimagined sweet opportunities to serve life.

* * * * *

With this in mind, we invite those inspired to do so to offer leadership in supporting the community in “clearing the space” prior in the launch of the Synanim (“Framing the Big Picture”) process. By this, we mean supporting processes that will contribute to freedom from the grip of emotions and thoughts that may make it difficult to move forward and participate in the process with full access to our inner resources.

Processes that we understand as supporting “clearing the space” include

  • mourning, and celebration;
  • self-responsibility.

Mourning might be done via grieving circles, where our pain can be witnessed and allowed to matter.

Addressing self-responsibility might involve asking ourselves questions such as, “What is my role in this?”, “How have I contributed to creating or maintaining a situation I wish were different?” or “Are there ways that I have given away my power?” — and later, “How would I be showing up if I were fully in my power, recognizing interdependence and serving what I value?” Such questions can be particularly helpful in situations where we am telling ourselves stories that cast ourselves or others as victims, villains, or heroes.

We have a goal of inclusiveness for the “New Future” process. We would like the “clearing the space” processes to be inclusive by:

  • including not only certified trainers and certification candidates, but anyone who values NVC and carries pain about what has been;
  • facilitating participation, and making invitations, in whatever language people are most comfortable in using to express what is in their hearts;
  • offering events that either local, in-person events, or are teleconference events at times suitable for people anywhere in the world.

We would like for this to happen within the next 4 or 5 weeks.

We would love to have all this happen — and we are clear we do not currently have the capacity to organize this ourselves, given other work that needs to be done to implement the upcoming change process. So, our invitation to you is to take leadership, and to self-organize.

We appreciate that Catherine Cadden, Gayano Shaw, and Jesse Wiens have already responded to an earlier informal invitation and have announced a despair circle on the trainers list. And, we are hoping this will be simply the first instance of a comprehensive variety of opportunities for people to participate in “clearing the space."

* * * * *

Some of you might not be carrying a lot of pain. You might not feel a need to have such a process for your own sake. And, we invite you to consider participating anyway, with an intention to bear witness and to supporting healing for others, who are carrying a load of pain.

We don’t kid ourselves that what we do in the next month or so can heal all the pain that has built up. Yet, we hope that we could collectively a least take a step that could be significant to those who are able to participate.

Maybe there are some completely different types of processes that you think would support “clearing the space." We would welcome any types of processes that support this aim.

* * * * *

Are you willing to self-organize and team up to make this happen?

We also welcome hearing what comes up for you as you read all this.

With hope and gratitude,

Bob Wentworth & Dominic Barter

May 1, 2014


Source : http://www.cnvc.org/201405-clear-the-space-letter