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# The New Future Process
Le Processus pour un Nouvel Avenir
# CNVC is engaged in a multi-year project to create a new global NVC organisation.
# Members of the global NVC community have been invited to rethink, from the ground up, how we will organise ourselves
# Summarizing the New Future Process
# 1. Process Design
# 2. Synanim Process of Gathering
# feedback from the global community
# 3. Working Groups
# 4. Integration Council
# 5. Transition Team
# 6. Implementation Council
# 7. Launch of New Organisation: NVC-O
# Emerging now from the New Future Process
# On behalf of the Integration Council, June 2016
# We celebrate
# The Integration Council integrated the products of the various workgroups resulting in an
# Integrated Plan
# to be offered to the Community for feedback.
# Additionally, an Implementation Council has been sociocratically elected...
# and a Transition Team has formed
# The Integration Council agreed on a structure to enable the Vision of our Community and Organization.
# Core Values
# Connection to Purpose
# Growing Capacity
# Aliveness/Wholeness
# Effectiveness
# Our Hope
# We want the organisation
# at the heart of the NVC movement to reflect and be a living laboratory for the full radical potential
# of the paradigm implicit in Nonviolent Communication
# We are choosing to create
# a structure that aims to embody, in full, the structural assumption of the interdependence of all things.
# The plan begins at the most inclusive level:
# the Netweb
# The overall structure of the NVC Community and Organisation, serving all who are connected to Nonviolent Communication
# The Netweb
# structure has two primary elements within it
# The Community The Organisation
# The Netweb
# This Netweb is created by connecting all the different points within it together
# The Shared Vision of our Community and Organisation
# We envision a world
# where systems, cultures and individuals support the wellbeing and empowerment of all people,
# with care for past, present, and future life.
# http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=vision&view=detailv2&&id=C7922CD03D59F5673E7A98326C07261CA601993E&selectedIndex=62&ccid=F0uElLqy&simid=608019507082298602&thid=OIP.M174b8494bab2caaffd39a42e46c2ab61H0&ajaxhist=0
# Hundreds of Thousands of people enjoy a more wonderful life because of Marshall’s gift of
# Nonviolent Communication.
# Together, we form the Community
# The entire collection of individuals that are
# coming together within the Netweb.
# The Purpose of our Community
# Our Purpose is
# to be a network that lives and radiates interdependence and compassion.
# Our Community shares
# a Virtual Home and Vision with the Organisation and offers its own purpose and mission
# to all members
# The Mission of our Community
# We are an informal community spread across the world, dedicated to supporting Members of our Community and individuals and organisations beyond that Community in creating a world that works for all. We...
# CONNECT: by actively reaching out to individuals and organisations and supporting them to learn and integrate NVC principles and practices;
# SUPPORT: each other through empathic presence, authenticity and connection; DEVELOP: principles and invent practices through hands-on work in different contexts and cultures that contribute to the creation of a world that works for all;. MODEL: Nonviolent Communication principles and practices as individuals, in our interactions with others, and in the groups and organisations that we work in and with;
# INSPIRE: others to consider looking at NVC principles and practices as a tool that could enrich their lives;
# INITIATE: and organise events that nourish, celebrate and expand our Community; PROVIDE: input for the Organisation by harvesting the wisdom and knowledge generated within the Community.
# Each person in our Community is like a cell, an integral and necessary
# part of the whole,
# the Netweb
# Individuals become Members of our Community because: -they are inspired by our shared Vision;
# -they are inspired by and long to learn and integrate the values, behavior and communication styles identified by our Organisation as being in alignment with our shared Vision.
# Members of our Community can choose to become part of our Organisation
# by becoming a Partner
# Our Partners
# The Partners make up
# “the Organisation”.
# As a placeholder, in this document we will refer to the organisation as NVC-O
# The new structure organises the global NVC network in a different way that retains the existing functions and organisational forms of the community
# while creating a formal and stronger tie between the Community and Organisation.
# A formal entity registered outside the US (possibly in multiple locations including the US) featuring:
# an unlimited number of Partners. self-selected based on rigorous criteria of contribution and service
# a shared vision
# a clear purpose and mission agreements to function in certain ways a virtual home
# •
# •
# • • • •
# The Purpose of Our Organisation
# We dedicate ourselves to the well being and empowerment of all by applying and sharing Nonviolent Communication principles and practices with individuals and within systems and cultures.
# Our structure is like a fabric woven from many strands of fiber. Each point or node in the Netweb is called a Weave.
# Weave
# the smallest unit of self-organiszing within the Netweb, composed of up to 12 individuals.
# Types of Weaves
# Community
# form when at least 2 Members come
# together with a shared purpose
# may come together based on geographic location, common interest, function, focus, or project
# Oranisational
# Community Weaves come together for a variety of purposes, including:
# -supporting each other’s learning, growth, healing, and transformation (e.g. practice groups) -sharing NVC with others (e.g. DACH or BayNVC)
# There is no expectation or any explicit agreement or commitment to contribute to the Organisation; it is only individual Community Weaves who choose for themselves if there are ways they want to contribute.
# Community Weaves are encouraged to have a minimum of 1/12 of those participating be Partners as a way to maintain a close link with NVC-O for the purpose of supporting (global) connection and coordination;
# Links between Partners involved with Community Weaves also support:
# • more effective and informed contribution;
# • mutual learning and support;
# • flow of information back to NVC-O about what
# is happening in our Community and the ideas and activities that are flourishing there.
# The knowledge and experience gathered in the our Community feeds back into NVC-O through the Weave structure.
# Community Organisation Leadership
# and feeds back to the Community in mutual education
# Community Organisation Leadership
# Cluster
# A structural unit within NVC-O organizing weaves into nine primary groups
# Nine Theme Clusters
# Community Interface
# NVC Evolution and Innovation Projects
# Applications Creating Access
# Organisational Process Resources
# Maintenance
# External Communications
# The Global Council
# is the convergence point where weaves come together
# The Global Council has specific coordination and initiation functions
# Composed of 12 Partners
# 1 from each Cluster (9)
# A Global Council Holder plus an Internal Leader and an elected Community Member
# Global Council Leaders
# Internal Leader: A person selected by the Global Council to tend to carefully defined functions of leadership including:
# building relationships within NVC-O; integrity of our work;
# the overall function of the organisation.
# Global Council Holder supports the functioning of the Council by
# • attending to internal issues
# • track and monitor process and tasks
# • offer leadership, feedback and conflict resolution as needed within the Global Council
# Elected Community Member
# • • •
# Virtual Home
# Our state of the art online virtual home open 24/7/365
# Connection is the life blood of our shared vision
# Operational Agreement
# An agreed-upon way of doing things
# (the equivalent of “policy” in the new structure) such as for Organisational Weaves to divide when they reach the number 12 so as to preserve effective action and decision-making.
# Operational Agreements may apply throughout
# the organisation or only in parts of NVC-O
# http://www.digikey.co.uk/web%20export/mkt/purchasingpro/articles/bp-6-strategies-for-creating-a-list-checkmark.jpg
# Putting the pieces together...
# The Partners organise in the service of the Community and the world.
# The Community feeds the Organisation with support, ideas, knowledge and experience- a realization of our interdependence.
# Our Shared Vision:
# We envision a world where systems, cultures and individuals support the wellbeing and empowerment of all people, with care for past, present, and future life.
# NVC-O Purpose:
# We dedicate ourselves to the well being and empowerment of all by applying and sharing Nonviolent Communication principles and practices with individuals and within systems and cultures.
# The Mission of Our Organisation
# As a global organisation, we seek to actively serve and support our Community and to reach out to the world to advocate for the transformative power of NVC principles and practices. We:
# SUPPORT: the transition to collaborative systems and practices at all levels of society;
# CONNECT: all who are inspired to learn, integrate, share and apply Nonviolent Communication;
# ACTIVATE: conditions that enable knowledge and activities throughout the Community to become of service to the whole;
# PROVIDE: platforms, resources and materials;
# MODEL: NVC and collaborative principles and practices as individuals and throughout the organisation;
# EVOLVE: our capabilities and understanding of NVC through research and experimentation;
# INITIATE: and implement collaborative and mutually supportive projects in partnership with members of the Community and the world at large; INSPIRE: and link with other communities and organizations who share a compatible vision.
# Offered by the Purpose Work Group, consented Dec 14, 2015
# A few specific aspects of the Integrated Plan
# Two ways of joining
# • 1) as a Member of the NVC-O Community, which provides access to all resources on our new virtual home and an opportunity to belong to a larger whole with a purpose related to increasing the role of NVC in the world.
# 2) as a Partner in NVC-O, which, in addition, entails a commitment to service in support of the NVC-O Community and in support of the world. Partners participate in decision-making:
# • individually through the advice process as it relates to their own work;
# • as part of groups reaching collaborative decisions as needed;
# • through direct or indirect selection of people to serve on the Global Council.
# •
# Community
# There are two main changes here.
# 1) The NVC-O Community is likely to now have more of a sense of being a whole, having its own Vision, Purpose, and Mission and a structure that allows a formal and specific connection with NVC-O.
# 2) Members will have more capacity to find and relate to each other.
# Changes Regarding Certification
# • Recognized roles are no longer just limited to “CNVC certified trainer.” Instead, they include “NVC Practitioner” and “NVC Ambassador” in a variety of fields.
# • Recognized Roles are determined based on self-reflection and feedback from Recognized Roles Weave members rather than feedback from a sole assessor.
# • Weaves co-create systems that support on- going growth, learning, and feedback.
# • Power and privilege training and awareness is part of the path to Recognized Roles.
# Changes Regarding Training (IITs and other Learning Events)
# • NVC-O sponsors International Intensive Trainings, Facilitated Learning Gatherings and Self-Organized NVC Gatherings.
# • Learnings from all events are carefully harvested and considered when preparing new events.
# • Lots of care and consideration given to reinventing IITs so that they fully adapt to local cultures and values.
# • Greater variety of “official” offerings that support more collaboration, adapt to more learning styles, and allow for more contribution
# • Ongoing feedback and evolution are integral to the process
# • NVC is made more relevant to multiple cultures and contexts
# Social Change and Peacebuilding
# Training Exchange
# Allies
# Sharing Projects
# Consciousness
# Funding Exchange
# Featured Projects
# Open Forum
# Creating Access
# • A major explicit commitment to creating access and to attending to issues of power, privilege, and resource disparity.
# • Specific operational agreements are included in this plan so as to ensure that the commitment is anchored structurally.
# • Mechanisms are built-in for training and learning in this area to become more integrated through the Recognized Roles system.
# Resources
# • Resources flow in multiple directions
# • Full transparency of resource generation and
# allocation within NVC-O
# • Possibility for Partners to participate in decisions
# related to resources
# • Projects can operate without waiting for a central
# authority to fund them
# •
# •
# soliciting feedback from the Community on the Integrated Plan
# prototyping: trying out our strategies in the real world on a pilot basis
# Next Steps: Feedback
# Integration Council
# Implementation Council
# Jeyanthy Siva Elkie Deadman Elin Searfoss Roxy Manning Aimee Ryan
# Next Steps
# The Implementation Council will begin their work in October.
# A Transition Plan is underway
# • •
# From Current CNVC to Self‐Managing Weaves From Integrated Plan to Launching NVC‐O
# Transition Team
# 2 CNVC Board Members (Cate and Jan Carel) 2 CNVC Staff Members, (Elin, who is also an Implementation Council Member, and Pan) 4 Integration Council Members (Barbara, Bob, Mary, Miki)
# Now Oct 6, 2016
# Implementation Council begins to Implement Integrated Plan
# January, 2017
# Transitional Weaves
# Timeline Continued
# Launch Community
# Sep. 2017 ‐ Mar. 2018
# Launch NVC‐O Mar 2018 ‐ Dec 2018
# Nov 2018 ‐ global launch convention
# Regular onboarding process begins Jan 2019
# Feedback Process
# Transition Team
# Community Integration Council
# Community response to Integrated Plan
# Implementation Council
# • How do I get more information and follow our progress? • How do I get Involved?
# • How do I help us fund NVC-O?
# http://www.cnvc.org/future
# The End &
# The Beginning

Latest revision as of 10:51, 13 October 2016

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Message definition (Slide-show Presentation (57 slides))
The New Future Process
TranslationLe Processus pour un Nouvel Avenir

Le Processus pour un Nouvel Avenir