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This is a chance to have your needs be heard, and to contribute your insights and wisdom. We hope you will choose to participate in this world-wide collaborative event.
This is a chance to have your needs be heard, and to contribute your insights and wisdom. We hope you will choose to participate in this world-wide collaborative event.
'''Please help spread the word'''
== Please help spread the word ==
''Please share this message with everyone you know who might be interested in participating!''
''Please share this message with everyone you know who might be interested in participating!''

Latest revision as of 10:22, 5 February 2015

Other languages:
Announcing Sign-Ups for “Framing the Big Picture” using Synanim

SUMMARY: Everyone interested in how the NVC community organizes is invited to sign-up today to participate in an on-line process to say what we collectively want.

Dear friends and colleagues,

You are invited to sign up today to help shape the future of how we organize as an NVC community.

What is this all about?

Some of you already know, and others may be hearing for the first time: The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is initiating a process in which those to whom NVC is important will decide how we will collectively organize. What sort of organization or organizations do we want? What would be most life-serving to support what we value about NVC coming more fully into the world? The NVC community will collectively make decisions, and these decisions will be implemented, either by evolving CNVC or by creating something new.

The whole process will involve multiple phases. The first phase, which starts June 18, is called “Framing the Big Picture.” Everyone who cares about what we do together is encouraged to participate. Participants will collaborate to develop a description, in broad brushstrokes, of how the NVC community community wants to organize. This will be done using an Internet-based software tool called Synanim.

This is the first time such a large scale effort in co-creation has been attempted in the NVC community. We won’t know what will happen until we try it. We expect this to be just the beginning, and that it will set the stage for future processes to create ever more life-serving systems. Please join us in this grand experiment!

What is involved in participating?

To participate, all you need is a computer, tablet, or smart phone, with a web browser and an Internet connection.

During each on-line session, you will type answers in response to prepared questions, read the answers of other anonymous participants, and refine your answers based on what others write.

Inspired by each other, shared themes will tend to emerge as you refine your answers. Then, people who participate in subsequent sessions will carry forward the ideas of groups that were together in earlier sessions, leading to a mixing of ideas. After all the sessions are completed, the end result of the process will be a summary statement with themes that emerged from the influences of all who those who participated.

The time involved:

  • Prior to your first on-line session, you’ll need 20-30 minutes to thoroughly review some materials about what to expect.
  • You’ll need 2 hours to participate in the on-line session, in a time-slot of your choosing, June 18 to June 21.
  • You’ll need another 2 hours to participate in a second on-line session, in a time-slot of your choosing, June 22 to June 24.

Some participants will be automatically invited, by Synanim, to participate in additional on-line sessions, June 26 to July 10. If you are invited, you may choose whether or not you would like to participate in these additional sessions. (A detailed schedule of session time slots is available {here}[LINK].)

Signing up to participate

Sign up here to participate in the process in English. You could also participate in the process in {another language}[LINK].

This is a chance to have your needs be heard, and to contribute your insights and wisdom. We hope you will choose to participate in this world-wide collaborative event.

Please help spread the word

Please share this message with everyone you know who might be interested in participating!

With hope and joy in community,

Bob Wentworth & Dominic Barter