Formulaire de changement d'inscription

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I have created an application to allow people to change times or cancel their registrations for sessions. It is at

Below is the text that needs to be translated to support this fully in your language.

Bob Wentworth CNVC Lead Evolution Agent

A ============ PHRASE FOR EMAIL

Vous pouvez modifier l'horaire de votre session, ou annuler votre inscription, en allant à


$text['ch-p2-title'] = 'Synanim - Changement d'inscription';

$text['ch-p2-headings'] = '<h1>Synanim - Changement d'inscription - Choisir l'horaire</h1><h3>(page 2 sur 2)</h3>';

$text['ch-p2-before-name'] = 'Bienvenu, ';
$text['ch-p2-before-reginfo'] = '. You are currently registered for:';
$text['ch-p2-after-reginfo'] = '<br/>If you would like to change your time (or re-activate a cancelled registration), select a time below. Otherwise, simply leave this page.';

$text['ch-p2-before-time'] = '(Note that the current time in your time zone is ';
$text['ch-p2-after-time'] = '. If this does not match your actual current time, you might want to <a href="">contact us</a> to ask to have your time zone changed.)';

$text['ch-cancelled'] = 'Registration cancelled';
$text['ch-p2-submit'] = 'Change Registration';

$text['ch-p2-validation'] = 'No time selected.';
$text['ch-p2-validation2'] = 'Error. Please <a href="change.php">start over</a>.';
$text['ch-p2-database'] = 'Database error. Please <a href="">mail us</a> the error message and <a href="change.php">start over</a>:';


$text['ch-p3-title'] = 'Synanim - Change Registration';

$text['ch-p3-headings'] = '<h1>Synanim - Change Registration - Completed</h1>';

$text['ch-p3-cancelled-before-time'] = 'You have cancelled your registration for a session beginning at ';
$text['ch-p3-cancelled-after-time'] = '.</p><p>To cause email with your current registration status to be sent to you, use the "Forgot your password?" link at <a target="_blank" href="/"></a>.';

$text['ch-p3-registered-before-time'] = 'You are now registered for a session beginning at ';
$text['ch-p3-registered-after-time'] = '.</p><p>In a minute or so, you should receive a confirmation email. To cause email with your current registration information to be sent to you again, use the "Forgot your password?" link at <a target="_blank" href="/"></a>.';



————— ENGLISH TEXT - To be translated ——————
"Définition du cadre général" avec le CNVC - enregistrement de la session annulée
Cher <#NAME>,

Votre inscription a été annulée pour une session qui commence à: Your registration has been cancelled for a session which starts at:

        <#START-TIME-LOCAL>   <= Votre heure locale (<#TIME-ZONE>)

        (<#START-TIME-UTC>   <= Heure UTC)

Si vous changez d'avis, vous pourriez être en mesure de restaurer votre inscription en allant à

L'équipe du CNVC du “Processus pour un nouvel avenir”

CNVC „Die Vision formulieren“ - Sitzung Registrierung gelöscht 
Liebe/r <#NAME>,

Ihre Registrierung wurde für eine Sitzung, die an beginnt abgesagt worden: 

        <#START-TIME-LOCAL>   <= Deine lokale Zeit (<#TIME-ZONE>)

        (<#START-TIME-UTC>   <= UTC Zeit)

Wenn Sie Ihre Meinung ändern, können Sie in der Lage, Ihre Anmeldung, indem Sie auf wiederherstellen.

Das Neue Zukunfts-Team des CNVC

"Définition du cadre général" avec le CNVC - enregistrement de la session annulée
Cher <#NAME>,

Votre inscription a été annulée pour une session qui commence à: Your registration has been cancelled for a session which starts at:

        <#START-TIME-LOCAL>   <= Votre heure locale (<#TIME-ZONE>)

        (<#START-TIME-UTC>   <= Heure UTC)

Si vous changez d'avis, vous pourriez être en mesure de restaurer votre inscription en allant à

L'équipe du CNVC du “Processus pour un nouvel avenir”

For the user-interface part of what I sent, I am sending (below) a version where I have already filled in French that I could copy from elsewhere in the user interface.

Bob Wentworth CNVC Lead Evolution Agent

$text['ch-p1-title'] = 'Synanim - Change Registration';

$text['ch-p1-headings'] = '<h1>Synanim - Change Registration</h1><h3>( page 1 sur 2 )</h3>';

$text['ch-p1-intro-text'] = <<<'FIN'
<p>If you are currently registered to participate in a session with Synanim, this page allows you to switch your registration to a different time slot or cancel your registration.</p>

$text['ch-p1-email1'] = Adresse de courriel :';

$text['ch-p1-submit'] = 'Continuer Page Suivante';

$text['ch-p1-validation'] = 'Email address must be non-blank.';
$text['ch-p1-no-account'] = 'Email address has never been registered with Synanim:';
$text['ch-p1-no-registration'] = 'Did not find a prior registration that could be changed.';

$text['ch-onward-links'] = '( <a href="">Report problems</a> | <a href="/register/statistics.php">Registration statistics</a> )';
$text['ch-backlinks'] = ( <a href="">Processus pour un nouvel avenir</a> &gt; <a href="">Accueil de la Phase 1</a> &gt; <a href="/register/change.php">Change Registration</a> )';


$text['ch-p2-title'] = 'Synanim - Change Registration';

$text['ch-p2-headings'] = '<h1>Synanim - Change Registration - Select Time</h1><h3>( page 2 sur 2 )</h3>';

$text['ch-p2-before-name'] = 'Welcome, ‘; // NAME GOES HERE
$text['ch-p2-before-reginfo'] = '. You are currently registered for:';
$text['ch-p2-after-reginfo'] = '<br/>If you would like to change your time (or re-activate a cancelled registration), select a time below. Otherwise, simply leave this page.';

$text['ch-p2-before-time'] = '(Note that the current time in your time zone is ';
$text['ch-p2-after-time'] = '. If this does not match your actual current time, you might want to <a href="">contact us</a> to ask to have your time zone changed.)';

$text['ch-cancelled'] = 'Registration cancelled';
$text['ch-p2-submit'] = 'Change Registration';

$text['ch-p2-validation'] = 'Pas d\'heure sélectionnée.';
$text['ch-p2-validation2'] = 'Erreur. S\'il vous plaît <a href="change.php">recommencez</a>.';
$text['ch-p2-database'] = 'Erreur de base de données. S\'il vous plaît envoyer <a href="">nous envoyer un mail</a> le message d\'erreur et <a href="change.php">recommencez</a> :';


$text['ch-p3-title'] = 'Synanim - Change Registration';

$text['ch-p3-headings'] = '<h1>Synanim - Change Registration - Completed</h1>';

$text['ch-p3-cancelled-before-time'] = 'You have cancelled your registration for a session beginning at ';
$text['ch-p3-cancelled-after-time'] = '.</p><p>To cause email with your current registration status to be sent to you, utilisez le lien "Vous avez perdu votre mot de passe ?" sur la page <a target="_blank" href="/"></a>.';

$text['ch-p3-registered-before-time'] = 'You are now registered for a session beginning at ';
$text['ch-p3-registered-after-time'] = '.</p><p>In a minute or so, you should receive a confirmation email. To cause email with your current registration information to be sent to you again, utilisez le lien "Vous avez perdu votre mot de passe ?" sur la page <a target="_blank" href="/"></a>.';
