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(Created page with "* reconnaissante de toute de l'humanité de ceux qui sont impliqués.")
(Created page with "« L'Autogestion » offre un modèle radicalement différent de ce qu'on trouve dans la plupart des organisations traditionnelles. Dans ce modèle, il n'y a pas de structure d...")
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* reconnaissante de toute de l'humanité de ceux qui sont impliqués.
* reconnaissante de toute de l'humanité de ceux qui sont impliqués.
“Self-management” offers a model radically different from what is found in most traditional organisations. In this model, there is no top-down structure of “command and control.” Instead, every Partner is empowered to do what needs doing and to decide what needs to be decided.
« L'Autogestion » offre un modèle radicalement différent de ce qu'on trouve dans la plupart des organisations traditionnelles. Dans ce modèle, il n'y a pas de structure de haut en bas de « commandement et contrôle ». Au lieu de cela, chaque partenaire est habilité à faire ce qu'il faut faire et à décider de ce qui doit être décidé.
In CNVC, only a few people (mostly the Board of Directors and Executive Director) were authorised to make significant decisions. They naturally had limited capacity for making complex decisions, and this often limited what could happen in the organisation. In NVC-O, the design is intended to remove decision-making bottlenecks, with no centralised authority that needs to give permission before a decision can be made. This has the potential to greatly increase how much can get done.
In CNVC, only a few people (mostly the Board of Directors and Executive Director) were authorised to make significant decisions. They naturally had limited capacity for making complex decisions, and this often limited what could happen in the organisation. In NVC-O, the design is intended to remove decision-making bottlenecks, with no centralised authority that needs to give permission before a decision can be made. This has the potential to greatly increase how much can get done.

Revision as of 13:54, 20 October 2016

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Intention de ce Document

Ce document résume les principaux aspects du Plan d'ensemble, qui est le résultat des trois premières phases (deux ans) du Processus pour un Nouvel Avenir initié par le CNVC. Bien qu'il ne puisse offrir toute la richesse des 200 pages du Plan d'ensemble, nous espérons que ce résumé contribue à la compréhension, inspire un intérêt à soutenir et à collaborer à la construction d'une nouvelle organisation, et permet des retours significatifs, tandis que le réseau CNV se met en mouvement collectivement vers la création d'une nouvelle réalité.

Dans ce document, « nous » désigne le Conseil d'intégration du Processus pour un Nouvel Avenir, informé des travaux des Groupes de travail pour un Nouvel Avenir.

Notre Espoir

Nous voulons que les élans au service de la vie vers la créativité, les soins, le service, la collaboration et la transformation parmi ceux inspirés par la Communication NonViolente, aient du soutien et des voies dégagées pour s'exprimer et s'épanouir. Servir les aspirations du réseau CNV nous a conduit à concevoir des structures soutenant connexion et synergie. Sachant qu'en fin de compte nous ne savons pas ce qui va vouloir en sortir, nous voulions ce que nous créons collectivement soit si flexible qu'il puisse soutenir une grande variété de résultats, allant d'une légère variation de ce qui se passe déjà au CNVC et dans le réseau CNV, à une situation où les rêves follement ambitieux puissent trouver le soutien dont ils ont besoin pour advenir et puissamment contribuer au monde. Nous avons cherché à faire en sorte que ce qui se passe réellement ne soit pas limité par nos structures d'organisation, mais puisse refléter le niveau de l'inspiration, l'énergie, les compétences et l'engagement que notre amour partagé de la CNV nous invite à engendrer.

Nous voulons que l'organisation au cœur du moment CNV soit le reflet et un laboratoire vivant du complet potentiel radical du paradigme implicite de la Communication NonViolente.

Pour honorer ces souhaits, nous choisissons de créer une structure qui vise à incarner, dans son intégralité, l'hypothèse structurelle de l'interdépendance de toutes choses. Le design est inspiré par des pratiques innovantes qui ont bien fonctionné dans d'autres contextes. Et, il parfois ce qui est prévu est nouveau et non encore éprouvé. Ce qui est prévu est fondamentalement une expérience. Il y a un réel risque d'échec. Pour réussir, le plan aura besoin du soutien de personnes passionnées en phase avec les intentions initiales, qui peuvent insuffler la vie à ce qui a été décrit et trouver des moyens de transformer nos rêves en une réalité durable.

Nous espérons qu'un soutien suffisant émergera, de sorte que le Plan d'ensemble conduira à la création d'une nouvelle organisation fonctionnelle qui, au minimum, servira un peu mieux le mouvement CNV que ce que nous avons maintenant. Et, au mieux, nous rêvons d'un Plan d'ensemble menant à une manière puissante de catalyser notre énergie collective, et de si forts développements et apprentissages, que ce que nous créons collectivement inspirera d'autres organisations et mouvements dans leurs efforts pour trouver des moyens de puissamment contribuer au monde.

Le Processus pour un Nouvel Avenir

Le Processus pour un Nouvel Avenir a été initié par le Conseil d'administration du CNVC au printemps 2014. Au moment de la rédaction de ce document, le processus est près de la fin de la phase 3.

Phase 1 : Plus de 600 amateurs de CNV du monde entier ont participé à un processus en ligne, produisant des documents en quatre langues, résumant la façon dont ils aimeraient voir la communauté CNV s'organiser à l'échelle mondiale.

Phase 2 : 42 personnes, qui ont été avalisées par le Conseil d'administration du CNVC, ont œuvré dans 9 groupes de travail pour élaborer des plans pour savoir comment aller de l'avant en ce qui concerne une variété de sujets d'organisation.

Phase 3 : environ 15 personnes, élues par les groupes de travail, ont formé le Conseil d'intégration et ont travaillé à réunir les neuf plans individuels et créer un plan d'ensemble cohérent.

Phase 4 : Le Conseil de mise en œuvre, constitué initialement de 5 personnes, élues par le Conseil d'intégration, vont recruter de l'aide et veiller à la mise en œuvre du plan.

Aperçu du plan

Infrastructure de base

Une Nouvelle Organisation Internationale de la CNV

Le Plan d'ensemble appelle à la formation d'une nouvelle organisation internationale de la NVC. Nous faisons référence temporairement à la nouvelle organisation en tant que NVC-O (pour "Organisation CNV ") jusqu'à ce qu'un nom permanent soit décidé par le Conseil de mise en œuvre.

NVC-O sera organisée très différemment du CNVC.

Tandis que NVC-O prendra forme, le CNVC sera réorganisé pour refléter la façon dont les choses fonctionnent dans NVC-O, et le CNVC sera intégré à NVC-O dans le cadre de la nouvelle organisation.

Organisation et Communauté

Il y a eu parfois eu de la confusion au sujet de qui "fait partie" du CNVC. Le Plan d'ensemble tente d'améliorer cette situation en incluant une différenciation claire entre la nouvelle organisation, NVC-O, et la communauté des personnes liées à l'organisation, la "Communauté NVC-O".

Toute personne s'identifiant à la Vision, l'Intention et la Mission de la Communauté NVC-O sera en mesure de s'inscrire sur un site Web pour devenir un « Membre » de la Communauté NVC-O.

Certains membres de la Communauté NVC-O pourront franchir une étape supplémentaire et devenir un « Partenaire » du NVC-O, et ainsi des participants actifs de l'organisation. Devenir un Partenaire implique de passer par un processus minutieux « d'embarquement » pour préparer l'individu à participer pleinement à l'organisation.

La Communauté NVC-O et la NVC-O (l'organisation) diffèrent en termes de façon dont elles sont structurées, de la facilité à les rejoindre, et de ce qu'elles offrent.

La Communauté NVC-O aura une structure minimale, et sera inclusive, facile à rejoindre. Un site web aidera les personnes à se retrouver. Nous avons l'intention qu'il y ait une relation significative entre la NVC-O et la Communauté NVC-O, dans une plus grande mesure que ce qui a été le cas entre le CNVC et le réseau actuel de CNV. Soutenir la Communauté NVC-O fera partie de la mission de la NVC-O.

NVC-O, l'organisation, aura un degré significatif de structure, sous la forme de moyens convenus de faire les choses, de systèmes pour répondre aux besoins particuliers, et une culture organisationnelle créé consciemment. Nous avons l'intention que cette structure soutienne l'efficacité dans la collaboration à faire avancer les choses.

Pour vouloir devenir un Partenaire dans la NVC-O, les personnes seront philosophiquement en phase avec l'intention de l'organisation, sa mission et sa culture, et nous imaginons, feront naturellement des efforts dans l'apprentissage de comment travailler efficacement au sein des structures organisationnelles. Cela signifie que devenir un Partenaire dans NVC-O ne sera pas aussi facile que de devenir un Membre de la Communauté NVC-O. Cependant, nous espérons que, pour certaines personnes, NVC-O offrira un cadre satisfaisant de soutien pour travailler ensemble à faire avancer les choses qui sont en phase avec la vision, l'intention et la mission de l'organisation, et ce qui compte pour la Communauté NVC-O et pour le monde.

Nous prévoyons qu'il y aura beaucoup plus de partenaires dans NVC-O qu'il n'y a actuellement d'employés et des membres du conseil d'administration au CNVC ; donc, dans ce sens, nous prévoyons que la participation directe à NVC-O sera beaucoup plus accessible que ce qui a été possible au CNVC.

Les Membres de la Communauté NVC-O et les Partenaires dans NVC-O pourraient faire des choses qui sont globalement similaires ; par exemple, les personnes dans les deux contextes sont susceptibles d'utiliser la CNV pour contribuer à rendre plus belle la vie des personnes. La Communauté NVC-O et NVC-O (l'organisation) offrent simplement des contextes différents où les choses peuvent se faire.

La Communauté NVC-O offrira un cadre où les Membres peuvent faire ce qu'ils veulent en relation avec la CNV, avec tout le soutien offert volontairement par les Partenaires qui choisissent d'offrir un soutien. NVC-O (l'organisation) offrira un cadre où les personnes peuvent travailler ensemble au sein d'un système d'accords visant à soutenir l'efficacité, et faire l'expérience de niveaux importants de soutien les uns des autres et des systèmes en constante amélioration intégrés dans l'organisation.

Les Membres de la Communauté NVC-O peuvent partager la CNV, soutenir l'intégration de la CNV les uns des autres, créer et travailler sur des projets, et se livrer à toute autre activité qu'ils sentent utile. Les Partenaires de NVC-O peuvent développer des ressources pour soutenir la Communauté NVC-O ou d'autres personnes qui pourraient bénéficier de la CNV, créer et travailler sur des projets, prendre soin de la Maison Virtuelle (site web) ou d'autres systèmes NVC-O, et participer à toute autre forme de collaboration qu'ils sentent utile et cohérente avec l'Intention et la Mission de NVC-O.

Nous ne supposons pas que les formateurs certifiés actuels du CNVC deviendrons tous nécessairement partenaires dans NVC-O. Ni d'être l'équivalent d'un formateur certifié du CNVC ne sera une exigence pour devenir un Partenaire, bien que l'engagement dans un chemin comme « Praticien » CNV sera un critère important pour le Partenariat.

Quelques particularités de NVC-O

En pensant à la façon dont notre nouvelle organisation pourrait fonctionner, nous avons été très inspirés par le livre "Réinventer les organisations", de Frédéric Laloux. Ainsi, notre conception a pris beaucoup des idées de Laloux, et des pratiques utilisées par les entreprises présentées dans le livre. Conformément aux principes proposés dans ce livre, l'organisation sera :

  • Organisée en équipes autogérées (de 12 personnes ou moins),
  • Guidée par une « raison d'être Évolutive », et
  • reconnaissante de toute de l'humanité de ceux qui sont impliqués.

« L'Autogestion » offre un modèle radicalement différent de ce qu'on trouve dans la plupart des organisations traditionnelles. Dans ce modèle, il n'y a pas de structure de haut en bas de « commandement et contrôle ». Au lieu de cela, chaque partenaire est habilité à faire ce qu'il faut faire et à décider de ce qui doit être décidé.

In CNVC, only a few people (mostly the Board of Directors and Executive Director) were authorised to make significant decisions. They naturally had limited capacity for making complex decisions, and this often limited what could happen in the organisation. In NVC-O, the design is intended to remove decision-making bottlenecks, with no centralised authority that needs to give permission before a decision can be made. This has the potential to greatly increase how much can get done.

While CNVC has been primarily based in the U.S., the Integrated Plan calls for NVC-O to be a truly international organisation, with Partners distributed around the world. The plan calls for NVC-O to have no centralized main office. Much of the organisation will be “virtual,” operating via video conferencing, and using a sophisticated website called the “virtual home” as a repository for institutional knowledge and as a support for getting things done.

At the same time, we want to honor the value of in-person connections. Groups called “Community Interface Weaves” will focus on supporting the NVC-O Community, in particular geographic locales, and we anticipate that these will make good use of in-person connections. Some parts of NVC-O might choose to set up physical offices. And, the Integrated Plan calls for a global NVC-O convention to be held every other year in various places around the world.

The “Netweb”

A guiding intention for the design of the organisation and the community is that we aim for there to be a high degree of interconnectedness between groups of people. To reflect these intentions, we have invented some new terms that are used in describing what we are creating:

  • A “Weave” is our term for a group of people which is interconnected with other groups of people. The organisation (NVC-O) is made up of “organisational weaves” (the self-managing teams mentioned above). Groups within the NVC-O Community may be described as “community weaves.”
  • The “Netweb” is our term for the interconnected whole that is formed by all the organisational and community weaves.

People belonging to more than one weave is a significant mechanism for interconnection between weaves.

Commitment to Access

With painful awareness that the world we live in systematically limits access to resources and influence of people in groups that have been historically marginalised, we’ve built into the new organisation systems to support awareness of these patterns of privilege/marginalisation and differential access. To counteract these patterns in the organisation and its sphere of influence we’ve included concrete agreements about how we can operate more in harmony with our values of interdependence, equity and inclusion. We’re also painfully aware that we’ve likely fallen short of what can be done, and hope our new organisation is set up so that it will continue to evolve in this direction.


The Integration Council has modified and adopted a decision-making process described in Laloux’s Reinventing Organisations. Any Partner or organisational weave in NVC-O can make any decision affecting the organisation, provided they ask non-binding advice from those affected by the decision and those who have relevant expertise. Anyone who is consulted may make a binding request for the decision to be made collectively via a collaborative process.

Individual weaves have full autonomy to make whatever decisions they need to make that affect only their weave, and otherwise to use the “modified advice process” as above.

Operational Agreements

The organisation will be supported in functioning as a coherent whole through Operational Agreements. Partners and weaves are asked to operate in alignment with the Operational Agreements, unless a compelling need leads them to make another choice, and when they deviate from the Operational Agreements, they are asked to provide feedback to support the improvement of the Operational Agreements.

Operational Agreements address a variety of topics, including: governance, feedback processes, conflict transformation, on-boarding of new Partners, access, and financial management.

Coordination and Leadership

Organisational weaves will be organised into “clusters” of weaves with related purposes. Each cluster will elect a Partner to serve on a Global Council. The NVC-O Community will also elect a Partner to serve on the Global Council. The purpose of the Global Council will be to anchor a global perspective and to strengthen NVC-O’s collective ability to serve its purpose and mission. In most respects, the Global Council will have no more decision-making authority than any other weave.

An Internal Leader will be selected by the Global Council through sociocratic elections. The Internal Leader will attend to specific functions essential for successful operation of a self-managing, purpose-driven organisation. In most respects, the Internal Leader will have no more decision-making authority than any other Partner.


The intention is for the new organisation to be continuously learning and evolving. This will be supported by a cultural value of focusing on purpose, ongoing feedback processes, and a structure that lets what is most alive be what continues and thrives.

Specific Applications

Recognised Roles

CNVC currently certifies NVC trainers. The Integrated Plan calls for this function to continue in NVC-O, with some notable changes:

  • Terminology: Instead of being “Certified,” people will step into "Recognised Roles" as part of an ongoing process of integrating NVC principles and practices into their lives and communities.
  • New Roles: CNVC has “certified” NVC Trainers. NVC-O will “recognise” people in either an “NVC Practitioner” role or various “NVC Ambassador” roles. NVC Practitioners will have integrated NVC principles and practices into their lives in substantial ways. NVC Ambassadors will have achieved an even higher level of integration, and will have specialized in applying NVC in particular ways. An “NVC-O Recognised NVC Ambassador” specializing in “Integration” would correspond to a current “CNVC Certified Trainer.” If there is energy to do so, other specializations may be created, for example, in “Conflict Transformation,” “Families,” “Healthcare,” “Facilitation,” or other areas.
  • Community Based: CNVC certification has been based on an assessment process involving the certification candidate and an Assessor, though in some parts of the world a more community-based process has been emerging. In NVC-O, stepping into a Recognised Role will consistently involve a community-based process. Readiness to move into a Recognised Role will be decided by “Recognised Role weaves,” groups of Community Members and NVC-O Partners who will act as peers and mentors for each other. Recognized Role weaves will be relationally oriented transformational living, learning, feedback communities and social labs. These weaves will focus on collaborative, 360-degree feedback for all weave participants, emphasizing support for and integrity of embodied and applied NVC. Each weave will be connected with Weave Coaches (support for system set-up, maintenance and conflict transformation) and also with an NVC Integration Trustee (support for quality, feedback and integrity of embodying and applying NVC).
  • Renewal: To support ongoing learning, the process for renewal will include annual reflection and participation in a 360-degree feedback process.
  • Awareness about Access: To support our commitment to counteracting patterns of domination embedded in mainstream cultures, a curriculum on power, privilege, and social location will be developed and integrated into what those wanting to step into Recognised Roles will be asked to learn about and receive feedback about.
  • Alternate Role Names: Terms like “NVC-O Recognised NVC Ambassador focusing in Integration” might not support clarity in all contexts. The plan calls for NVC-O to develop a list of approved alternate names for each role, which can be used where this would be helpful. For example “Sevak” might be a title that represents a person in a role of sacred service to the community in India. In a corporate setting, “Certified Trainer” might be an alternative title for an NVC Ambassador focusing in Integration.

Those in Recognised Roles will be Members of the NVC-O Community, and may or may not also be Partners in NVC-O.

We anticipate that there will be a process for current CNVC Certified Trainers to transition into serving as NVC-O Recognised NVC Ambassadors or Practitioners. We hope that this transition process will be able to address acknowledgement, meaning, ease and choice for existing Certified Trainers while also caring for the integrity of the new “recognition” model, which includes aspects that were not present in the old “certification” model. Details will be worked out by the Implementation Council and those who support their work.

Learning Events

International Intensive Trainings (IITs) will continue to be offered, organised by one or more self-managing weaves and sponsored by CNVC acting as an integral part of NVC-O. NVC-O will also encourage other types of learning events, including facilitated gatherings that support mutual learning and self-organized NVC gatherings founded on co-creation and shared leadership. NVC-O will sponsor a Global Convention every two years, focusing on mutual learning, to be held on rotating continents.


Input from the NVC network celebrated the special experience of being in a group of people, where we feel accepted, heard and feel a shared sense of purpose and approach. Being in community with other NVC enthusiasts was compared to being around a "warm campfire.”

There were longings for more time around the campfire; mournings for the places where those campfires didn't exist, or where it had "burnt out", through conflict, or loss of leaders/energy.

The Integrated Plan means to honor these longings, and calls for NVC-O to support more opportunities for people to experience being in community with other NVC enthusiasts, via these strategies:

  • building a “Virtual Home” (website) that includes features to support NVC community;
  • creating a “living guidebook” for NVC communities: an evolving repository of suggestions, stories, tools, and practices, for NVC communities and groups
  • keeping open the Network Empowerment Forum, currently offered by CNVC, to allow community-initiated video conference gatherings;
  • inviting Partners in NVC-O to take on a role of being “Community Weavers” focused on stewarding the NVC-O Community, and bringing aliveness and warmth to NVC communities.

Social Change and Peacebuilding

The Integrated Plan names an aspiration to develop a system that supports empowerment and self organization by sprouting the collective intelligence of the NVC community in relation to social change and peacebuilding. The following strategies are intended to bring together projects, people and resources, and offer platforms for collaboration:

  • NVC-O will be invited to develop an infrastructure to support the effective functioning of projects within it to advance social change and peacebuilding;
  • A Social Change and Peacebuilding Hub will be built into the Virtual Home (website) to support people in connecting in relation to social change and peacebuilding topics.

Additional Information


NVC-O and the NVC-O Community will share the same Vision:

We envision a world where systems, cultures and individuals support the wellbeing and empowerment of all people, with care for past, present, and future life.

NVC-O Community

Purpose and Mission of NVC-O Community

The NVC-O Community will be guided by this Purpose:

To live and radiate interdependence and compassion.

The NVC‐O Community will have this mission:

We are an informal community spread across the world, dedicated to supporting Members of our Community and individuals and organisations beyond that Community in creating a world that works for all. We:

  • CONNECT: by actively reaching out to individuals and organisations and supporting them to learn and integrate NVC principles and practices.
  • SUPPORT: each other through empathic and authentic presence and connection
  • DEVELOP: principles and invent practices through hands‐on work in different contexts and cultures that contribute to the creation of a world that works for all.
  • MODEL: Nonviolent Communication principles and practices as individuals, in our interactions with others, and in the groups and organisations that we work in and with;
  • INSPIRE: others to consider looking at NVC principles and practices as a tool that could enrich their lives.
  • INITIATE: and organise events that nourish, celebrate and expand our Community;
  • PROVIDE: input for the Organisation by harvesting the wisdom and knowledge generated within the Community.

Organisations within the Community

Existing NVC organisations will be able to continue operating without changes. An organisation (e.g., ACNV, D-A-CH or BayNVC) or group that wishes to be associated with the NVC-O Community will be able register as a “Community Weave” and provide a profile that can be found by those searching the Virtual Home (website).

The plan does not envision existing NVC organisations (other than CNVC) integrating into the structure of NVC-O in the near future, because the emergence of a cohesive organisational culture of self-management will be essential to the success of the new organisation.

Connection between Community and Organisation

“Community Weaves” in the NVC-O Community will be encouraged to have at least 1/12 of their members serve as Partners in NVC-O, to support a strong bidirectional connection between the NVC-O Community and NVC-O, the organisation.

The NVC-O Community at-large will be invited to elect one Partner to serve on the NVC-O Global Council.

NVC-O (the Organisation)

Basic Cultural Elements for NVC-O

NVC-O (the organisation) will be guided by this Purpose:

We dedicate ourselves to the well being and empowerment of all by applying and sharing Nonviolent Communication principles and practices with individuals and within systems and cultures.

NVC-O will have this Mission:

As a global organisation, we seek to actively serve and support our Community and to reach out to the world to advocate for the transformative power of NVC principles and practices. We:

  • MODEL: NVC and collaborative principles and practices as individuals and throughout the organisation.
  • CONNECT: all who are inspired to learn, integrate, share, and apply Nonviolent Communication.
  • ACTIVATE: conditions that enable knowledge and activities throughout the Community to become of service to the whole.
  • SUPPORT: the transition to collaborative systems and practices at all levels of society.
  • INITIATE: and implement collaborative and mutually supportive projects in partnership with members of the Community and the world at large.
  • INSPIRE: and link with other communities and organizations who share a compatible vision.
  • PROVIDE: platforms, resources and materials.
  • EVOLVE: our capabilities and understanding of NVC through research and experimentation.

NVC-O Operational Values

The Integrated Plan specifies these “operational values” to guide how the organisation functions: Connection to Purpose, Effectiveness, Aliveness/Wholeness, and Learning/Growing Capacity.

Other NVC-O Basic Cultural Elements

The plan also defines a number of other “basic cultural elements” that will guide NVC-O. For example, the “nature of the organisation” is described as:

Our organisation lives and evolves the art of collaboration. We function as a living laboratory for discovering, practicing and refining what works to support people in coming together to serve a common purpose. We integrate the principles of Nonviolent Communication with other insights into what supports collaboration.

One guiding principle will be that things only will get done if someone is willing to do them. It is intended that nothing be done from “should” energy, although this might result in some things not happening that might otherwise be expected.

Money and Partners

The Integrated Plan invites the organisation to live into Marshall’s dream of nobody working for money and everybody having the resources they need to do their work. We expect this to mean that among the Partners who contribute labor, some will receive no financial support (or might contribute money), and some will receive financial support to allow them to do their work -- with support attuned to meeting needs rather than to fixed notions of “exchange”, “compensation,” or “market value.”


We anticipate that major sources of funding for the new organisation will include IIT revenues (which have been the primary funding source for CNVC) and individual contributions. We anticipate that Weaves within NVC-O will emerge that give attention to raising funds for the organisation.

There will be mechanisms to support financial resources flowing between different parts of the organisation. In particular, a periodic “budgeting marketplace” will be held to support distributed decision-making about how to allocate available funding. A high degree of transparency is planned, with regard to both finances and decision-making.

Some Weaves within NVC-O may be financially self-sufficient, either because they do not need funding or because they have ways of funding themselves.

Organisational Weave Clusters

The 9 initial clusters of organisational weaves will focus on these topic areas: Community Interface, Maintenance, Resources, Organisational Process, Creating Access, External Communications, Applications, Projects, and NVC Evolution and Innovation.

Transition of CNVC and NVC-O

The Integrated Plan calls for CNVC to be smoothly transitioned so that it becomes a part of the new organisational structure as it emerges. CNVC funds will be made available for use by NVC-O as a whole. Functions of CNVC that will be continuing, such as IIT support, will be transitioned to operate using self-management in keeping with NVC-O’s Operational Agreements. CNVC staff will be invited to become NVC-O Transitional Partners. A new CNVC Board will be selected, including representatives from the existing CNVC and selections by the New Future Implementation Council. We anticipate that, for the time being, CNVC will continue to exist as a legal entity forming a constituent part of the new organisation.

The Implementation Council members will be the first Transitional Partners in NVC-O. They will recruit other Transitional Partners to help implement the Integrated Plan. Once the full process for becoming a Partner and other key processes have been implemented, Transitional Partners and others will go through the Partnership process and NVC-O will become operational.

We currently project that it will take around two years to transition to NVC-O and the NVC-O Community being fully operational. During the early part of the transition, the plan calls for prototyping, or trying out, the designs included in the Integrated Plan, to ensure that they are workable and to identify possible improvements.

  • NVC Enthusiasts
  • Members of NVC-O Community
  • Partners in NVC-O (organisation)