Stade 3 - Session 1

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If you want to pay attention to only the new text needing translation (and you trust the old translations), here is the new text that needs translating for the draft design of Stage 3 / Session 1…

These translations are needed by the end of the day on Monday, although minor changes might be incorporated early on Tuesday.



—— TO TRANSLATE ———————

De quelle manière voudriez-vous qu’une organisation CNV internationale / mondiale diffère d’autres organisations, parce que c’est une organisation CNV ? De quelle manière voudriez-vous qu’elle soit similaire à d’autres organisations qui sont efficaces ?

Le temps est à la fois pour choisir et écrire.

The texts that you chose from are shown below.

The time is for choosing only.

What role, if any, do you want an international/global NVC organization to have in supporting NVC in countries with fewer economic resources or with cultures that are different from American/European cultures?

The best-rated answers from questions 1, 2 and the last question from the prior session are shown below, and will be shown again in the following steps.

The best-rated answers from questions 1, 2 and the last question from the prior session are shown below.

The texts that you chose from are also shown below.

You may use elements of the preceding answers if that is useful as you focus on answering the question.

Say what needs to be said to make your entry more clearly say what is important.