Main Page
From Translate NVC
Translate NVC
This wiki is dedicated to help translate pages about NVC. More than 300 languages are provided.
Example : Clear the space
How does it work ?
It uses the Mediawiki Extension Translate on this website. A pretty extensive User documentation is available.
- Example
- Bob would like the page to be translated
- He writes his request in the #Requests paragraph below
- One of the administrators of this site website creates a copy of the page in this wiki (Clear the space in this example), and marks it as needing translation
- Translators can start translating, helped by the fact that many can contribute like on
- Bob and anybody interested in the subject can follow the translation (see Email changes), every time a translator presses the "Save page" button, and can see the percentage of translation for each available language, on the top of the Clear the space page.
- 2014
- Bob, 14 May : Clear the space (fr: 100%)
- Bob, 22 May : Newsletters (fr: 100%)
- Bob, 27 May : Synanim launch date (fr: 100%)
- Bob, 28 May : Process for a New Future (fr: 100%)
- Bob, 02 June :
- Register (fr: 100%)
- Synanim Session Schedule - French (fr: 100%)
- Process for a New Future - General Information (fr: 100%)
- Announcement of signups (fr: 100%)
- Bob, 03 June :
- Dieudonné, 06 June : Process for a New Future - All Pages
- Bob, 06 June : Statistics
- Dieudonné, 08 June : FAQ
- Bob, 10 June : StandardEmailMessages
- Bob, 18 June : WorkingWithSynanim
- Bob, 19 June : Synanim-need-to-know